Digital Standardisation Tour
Our second journey within the 12 Tours to Navigate Digital Geneva takes us through the organisations that set standards for the digital world, ranging from mobile phones and computers, to business processes and digital governance.
If you are interested in learning more on
– how to reduce the ‘lost-in-translation’ between the technical and the policy community
– the openness and accessibility of standardisation processes and their governance
– the trade-off between standardisation, innovation and security
watch the event recording and read the event report!
Podcasts on standardisation
How to reduce the ‘lost-in-translation’ between the technical and policy community – with Chaesub Lee (ITU)
Learn why ISO won an Emmy Award in standardisation – with Sergio Mujica (ISO) Digital Standardisation in Geneva – Discussion with Philippe Metzger IEC Diplo Podcast – Katarzyna Gorgol